Grading and Assessment

Local Formative and Summative Assessments

Our assessments fall broadly into two categories; formative and summative. These labels are based on how we use the assessment. A formative assessment is meant to inform our instruction; to guide the choices we make around how and what we need to teach in order to ensure learning continues. A summative assessment is often a summary or summation of learning; it is given at the end of a unit or course and allows the student to show what they know and are able to do. Within the two categories we have a variety of types of assessments: quizzes, tests, performance tasks, writing prompts. Teachers also use different methods to gather information, such as observations, forms, games, and projects, Our assessments make up the core of our reporting systems although not every assessment is graded. Many assessments are used by the teachers to evaluate both instructional effectiveness as well as student learning.

Universal Screening and Benchmark Assessments

Universal assessment tools such as iReady are used to provide students and teachers information about student progress towards mastering standards compared to other students across the country. This helps teachers to calibrate local assessments, inform instructional groupings, and determine when students need additional supports. Additionally tools like aimswebPLUS and DIBELS help teachers working with students who need additional support in determining the effectiveness of the interventions being used. 

State Assessments

In addition to the assessments described above, we have state assessments that are powerful tools in helping us gauge both student progress and the effectiveness of our academic programs. The NH SAS (state assessment system), and the SAT are required annually. This is part of the assessment program linked to ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).

The NH Assessment Portal is a valuable resource for information related to the statewide annual assessment. You can also learn more at the NH Department of Education, Office of Assessment site. 

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  • Center Woods Elementary School
  • James Faulkner Elementary School
  • Henniker Community School
  • John Stark Regional High School
  • Weare Middle School
  • SAU 24